Author Archives: Blacker

It’s time to write a minisaga

Do you know what minisaga is? Minisaga is basically very short story which consists exactly of 50 words. That is not many words, is it? Imagine that you need to write a story and that you have to use exactly 50 words, not 49 neither 51, but exactly 50. That kind of makes it harder. I do admire people who are able to sit down and just write a story like that. When I’m writing some stuff I do a lot of thinking first and I also rewrite most of the stuff several times until I’m satisfied with the content.

Well why I’m bringing up something like minisagas right now? Some time ago when I was attending English lessons we got an assignment to write a minisaga about some movie that we’ve seen. And I happened to find what I wrote and I just thought why not to share it. So here is my minisaga:

On its way home spaceship Nostromo intercepted a distress signal. They found a ship full of eggs. Facehugger attacked and alien was born. Crew members were killed one after another. Just Ripley survived. She opened an airlock and alien was sucked out to Space. Finally she was safe. Was she?

It’s time to learn something new

Humans are constantly learning new things, without that we would probably still live in caves and hunt animals for leather and food. Who knows if we would be even able to use fire properly. Well I don’t want to talk about evolution here so don’t get scared :).

Learning a new stuff is something that, depending on your job, you need to do on a regular basis, or because you want to have a better chances for promotion or simply because you just want to do it. In my case, I simply wanted to do that so I decided to aim for a Microsoft certification. I’s been already more than a year and half since I finished college, so I thought why not to try to learn something new again (and I also needed to think of a quarterly goal for work :)).

As I have some background with web development I chose a 70-480 exam (Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3). To prepare I simply gone through some articles on web and also through this course on MS Virtual Academy: Developing in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Jump Start.

Well long story short. Last week I passed the exam, as I am not allowed to publish details about exam, let me sum it up. If you have several years of experience with developing web applications with JavaScript, CSS and HTML and if you read some materials about news in CSS3 and HTML5 you probably won’t have any trouble passing this exam.

So yay, I’m now certified Microsoft Specialist, but that is probably all there is to it. I learned some new stuff, which I’ll probably won’t be able to use as much as I wanted because in most cases websites need to be compatible with older browsers as well.

It’s time to make some dreams come true

There are times when you just want to do something out of ordinary, not because you need to or should do it, but just because you want. These little things are what is important. Because if you don’t do stuff that you want to do, your life will get quite boring.

Well in my case I wanted to buy something. For a quite some time now, I was thinking about buying a katana sword. So I did it, I bought katana. At first I was thinking should I really do it? Should I spent all that money on sword? I’ve never practiced Kendo or learned how to handle sword, so should I buy a sword only to put it on display? But then it hit me, why the hell I shouldn’t. What is important is that I made one of my dreams come true. And that is what counts.

I’d attach some photos, but I’ve got only mobile phone camera so the quality would be rather questionable.

And the moral of this story. Don’t think too much, there are times when you just need to do. Making our dreams come true is important part of our live, everyone has some dreams. Some may be more difficult to achive than other, but what makes us go forward are those little things that make us happy.

It’s time to update your phone

As I am an owner of an HTC Radar phone I was eagerly waiting for the Windows Phone 7.8 update to roll out. At the start of this weak I was one of the “lucky” ones who opened the Zune and there it was, an information that new update is available.So as eagerly as I was waiting for this update I pressed the Update button and patiently waited for it to end. But it didn’t take long and all my illusions were shattered. During the step 7. of the update process, when the Zune is creating a complete backup of the phone, the process failed and ended with an error number 800700B7. After several more unsuccessful tries I tried to find a bit more information about this error on the Internet. To my surprise the official KB article published by Microsoft mentions a lot of different error codes, but not this one. So after a few more tries with the help of my Google-fu I was able to find a few questions of some people who encountered this same issue. The resolution for them was to perform a hard reset of the phone before the update. Given that there is no way how to backup your Windows Phone it is really a great solution, you will only lose all your messages and application settings.

Quite pissed off I did the hard reset. And what followed next was rather unexpected. With completely wiped out phone, the Zune said that there is no update available, that I have a latest version. At this point I was red with rage. Fortunately the force update steps that can be found on the Internet helped (even thought I had to do them for each of the three available updates).

So my HTC Radar is finally running on Windows Phone 7.8, but to say the truth I am a bit dissapointed by the new tiles. I liked the old layout a bit better then this new one.

And the moral lesson of this story? Don’t expect too much, otherwise you’ll be disappointed or in a worse case pissed off.

It’s time to move on

Hello everyone, as you have probably noticed the page is completely different from before. And when I say completely I mean it. After several (well two) years of using my own system I’ve moved to WordPress. Well I haven’t change the hosting only engine which is running this site.

With a change to the WordPress also came a massive swipe of all past articles that I wrote. The reason why I didn’t even try to keep them was because their information value was rather questionable. I’ve also decided to write this blog in English so keeping old stuff which was written in Czech would not be exactly beneficiary.

I’d like to add at least one new article per week and to be honest I’m still not sure whether they will be better that the ones that I got rid of. But let’s hope for the best.